Netgroup Management

Netgroups are named collections of accounts that are used for a variety of purposes, such as granting of permissions. The membership of those netgroups is managed by the netgroup management tool. A list of all netgroups that can be managed are shown. To facilitate finding a group there is a “Filter” field. Typing in the filter field will show only those netgroups that have the typed text in the netgroup name.

Clicking on a netgroup selects it. To select a range of netgroups click on the first in the range then shift-click on the last. To individually pick specific netgroups control-click instead.

Once one or more netgroups have been selected then the operation to perform is chosen by radio button selection. Then clicking the “Submit” button opens a new page.

Displaying/Removing Members

When the display/remove members function is chosen each of the selected netgroups are listed along with their members. To remove users from netgroups click the selection box for that user under the netgroup you wish to remove them from. Once all removals have been identified the “Delete Selected Members” button at the bottom of the page can be used to delete them.

If, after reviewing the membership, you wish to add members instead then click the “Switch to Add Members” button at the bottom of the page.

Adding Members

The selected netgroups are listed at the top of the page. Review this list to ensure that the desired netgroups (and only the desired netgroups) are listed.

In the text field enter the user ids of the accounts to add as members. This must be the user id, not their email address. Once the accounts to add as members are entered click the “Add to Netgroups” button to add them.

To switch to the “display/remove” page click the “Switch to Display/Remove Members” button at the bottom of the page.