This document will explain how to install MATLAB R2024a or later on your campus managed or personal Windows device.
NOTE: MATLAB is a large application and takes 15-20 minutes to fully download on non-CLC computers. You will be able to use MATLAB instantly, but please allow adequate time for it to complete its download.
1. Open AppsAnywhere. A guide can be found on IT Answers, if needed.
2. Search “MATLAB” in the application search on the landing page and click “Launch R2024a“. AppsAnywhere will automatically determine whether you need the CLC, Academic, or BYOD version. In this example, we are using the Academic version.
NOTE: If R2024a is not the default option, use the dropdown to locate it.

3. The Cloudpaging Player will now begin downloading MATLAB. It will launch the application as soon as it has enough downloaded to do so.
For the Academic and BYOD versions of MATLAB, you will see a “Paging the remainder…” status. This indicates that MATLAB is still downloading in the background for offline use. During this time, you will need to make sure your computer stays online so that the download can complete. You are free to use MATLAB while it continues to download in the background.

4. Sign into MathWorks using your SSO

5. You will be redirected to the UM System MFA portal to finish signing in.
If MATLAB will not activate with your account, please contact the IT Help Desk to have your enrollment or employment status verified.
6. Once signed in, MATLAB will launch.
You will be able to use MATLAB for 120 days before having to allow your computer to communicate with the S&T AppsAnywhere servers again. MATLAB may require you to reconnect to the Internet more often than 120 days to verify your licensing.
If you encounter any issues throughout this process, do not hesitate to contact the IT Help Desk or submit a request online. We will be happy to assist you!