What kind of network services does S&T have?

Networking is very important, especially here at S&T. But what services does our networking team provide exactly? First off, there are many moving parts when it comes to networking. These moving parts are split up into two different categories labeled Network Infrastructure and Plant Infrastructure. Behind each name, we have a wonderful team of people who work to keep everything stable and accessible. By clicking here, you will be redirected to the updated list of staff currently working in Networking. 

Here is what each team is responsible for:

Network Infrastructure Team: 

The Network Infrastructure team is responsible for maintaining all network equipment to make sure that they provide sufficient bandwidth to campus processes, operations, applications and end users with little to no interruption. The team is also required to update and troubleshoot all hardware, software, operating systems related to network infrastructure to ensure successful availability, performance, IP assignments and remote access all on a continuous basis. This team also monitors the network all day and year-round to address any form of performance issues as fast as they can. When new equipment needs to be added to the network, this team will be who you talk to.

Plant Infrastructure Team:

 The Plant Infrastructure Team is responsible for maintaining jack integrity, activating and repairing Ethernet jacks that provide wired service to campus operations. With this, they are also responsible for installing all equipment for network infrastructure, splice and terminate fiber, troubleshooting connectivity issues with wired and wireless network services. They also move IT related equipment for users from one location to another.  

Both of these teams work hard to ensure that the S&T network is available to everyone at all times. If any networking issue is found, they always find a way to get it resolved as fast as possible. For any and all networking issues, be sure to contact the Help Desk to be directed to the amazing staff in our networking department.