In today’s digital landscape, protecting sensitive information is crucial, especially in email communication. Outlook’s Email Encryption feature empowers users to safeguard their confidential messages, keeping unauthorized eyes at bay. This guide explains when, why, and how to use Outlook Email Encryption to ensure your emails are secure and compliant. When Should You Use Outlook Email…Continue Reading Send Encrypted Emails in Outlook: A Complete Guide
What is happening to Grammarly at S&T? Am I affected?
All paid Grammarly licenses will change from email addresses to email addresses. This transition will move all paid licenses to a Grammarly enterprise licenses to ensure enhanced data protection and privacy, aligning with UM System policies. We will need to know if you want to have a Grammarly enterprise license which will incur…Continue Reading What is happening to Grammarly at S&T? Am I affected?
How do I report phishing?
If you believe you have been the target of a malicious phishing attack, it is crucial that you do not click any links and take the following steps to report the issue as soon as possible. Report the Suspicious Email Not sure if the email is phishing? Reach out to IT Security and they will…Continue Reading How do I report phishing?
Account Expiration & Extension
The University regularly reviews accounts for expiration or deletion. When an account owner no longer meets the account eligibility requirements, account access to resources will be terminated. For more information on account eligibility please see the Email Management Policy and Electronic Mail Use and Management Procedures . Account extensions are managed via AIMS with help…Continue Reading Account Expiration & Extension
Manage Mailbox Owners (formerly delegates)
Managing Owners Mailbox owners can access the mailboxes associated email and calendars in Outlook. When using the Outlook desktop application the mailbox is automatically added to the view. When accessing Outlook via a browser the mailbox can be added manually to the list or accessed directly (as if the mailbox had been logged into) by…Continue Reading Manage Mailbox Owners (formerly delegates)
What kind of technical support does S&T offer?
Here at S&T, a lot of the work done revolves around technology. Each and everyday students and staff log on to complete their various tasks for the day, but what do you do if something goes wrong with your computer? Who do you contact for any form of technical assistance? Luckily, we have a wonderful…Continue Reading What kind of technical support does S&T offer?
Why shouldn’t I use my campus email address for outside services/sites?
Your campus email address is assigned to you at time of application/enrollment or employment, and is tied to your active status with the university. (See and for more details.) You should avoid signing up or using your campus email address or account with any outside service where the usage would extend beyond your…Continue Reading Why shouldn’t I use my campus email address for outside services/sites?
Why did I receive the message “You no longer have access to All Apps – Pro Edition – EDU” from Adobe?
IT has migrated your Adobe Creative Cloud account from the Adobe All Apps plan to the Adobe All Apps Pro Edition plan. So you received an email from Adobe that your account access has been “removed and/or added”. Please ignore these emails. Your Adobe Creative Cloud license will continue to work as normal. The Adobe…Continue Reading Why did I receive the message “You no longer have access to All Apps – Pro Edition – EDU” from Adobe?
Why can’t I access a shared mailbox? I’m already sponsoring it? What’s the difference between a sponsor and an owner?
Only mailbox owners (formerly known as delegates) can access a shared mailbox. Owners can see the contents of the mailbox and send email from it. A mailbox sponsor can manage the shared mailbox. That is, they control who the mailbox owners are, are notified before the shared mailbox goes to deprovisioning and can extend the…Continue Reading Why can’t I access a shared mailbox? I’m already sponsoring it? What’s the difference between a sponsor and an owner?
I was phished, now what?
The first step in recovering from responding to a phishing attack is to reset your password. For reference, you can do so by following the instructions at If that password was also used with other sites then it needs to be changed there as well. Each affected account should be treated as compromised which…Continue Reading I was phished, now what?
What is my email address?
We frequently get asked, which one of these is my email? The ones that are not your email address. It is definitely not We used to have email addresses when some of the student mail was served by Microsoft and some of it was served by Google. Those have been gone for about 5 to…Continue Reading What is my email address?
Why Can’t I Have My Email?
All students are provisioned with a mailbox while they attend S&T and to ease student life the mailbox is kept for 12 months after enrollment, but at some point it is deprovisioned and the mailbox is gone. Can’t you just get that back? Whether it is with Google, Microsoft, Apple, or some other provider there…Continue Reading Why Can’t I Have My Email?
Non-Employee Appointment Mailbox $200 License Fee
UM System has implemented additional security for protecting our mailbox accounts by assigning A5 licenses to non-employee appointments. As this license cost is outside our budgeting process for licensing accounts with Microsoft, S&T IT will be requiring an annual $200 per year license fee for non-employee appointments that require a mailbox, and will be billed…Continue Reading Non-Employee Appointment Mailbox $200 License Fee